DaoLens DaoDenver Event Branding




2 weeks


Event Branding and Strategy




2 weeks


Event Branding and Strategy

DaoLens DaoDenver AnsKJames
DaoLens DaoDenver AnsKJames

Daolens' Dazzling Transformation: A Journey from B2B to B2C at DAO Denver 2023

In the fast-paced world of blockchain and decentralized technologies, capturing attention and standing out in a crowd is essential for success. Daolens, a leading player in AI-powered community management solutions, embarked on a transformative journey as it prepared to showcase its innovations at DAO Denver 2023, a pivotal event within the ETHDenver conference. The challenge was not merely to participate but to make a lasting impression in an arena teeming with blockchain enthusiasts, developers, and industry experts.

Setting the Stage: DAO Denver 2023

As the clock ticked down to the event, Daolens faced the daunting task of creating a booth that would not only showcase its AI-powered community management solution but also leave an indelible mark on attendees. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Daolens reached out to me, a creative force within the company, to spearhead this ambitious project. With a timeline of just two weeks, me and my colleague was tasked with a comprehensive overhaul that included booth design, banners, social media posts, stickers, merchandise, posters, pamphlets, website, and game designs.

Embracing Change: A Shift from B2B to B2C

Understanding the unique nature of DAO Denver and the accompanying DAO SoDA event, I proposed a strategic rebranding for Daolens. The shift from a Business-to-Business (B2B) approach to a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) orientation aimed to infuse a sense of vibrancy and playfulness into Daolens' brand identity. The existing subtle and monochrome branding, though fitting for corporate settings, needed a bold and eye-catching transformation to thrive in the dynamic environment of DAO-focused events.

The Proposal: A Visual Symphony of Colors and Fonts

The heart of the rebranding lay in a visual transformation that would make Daolens memorable, bold, catchy, and interactive. My proposal included a vibrant color palette featuring purple, blue, pink, and a new addition – yellow. This not only added liveliness but also enhanced contrast, making the brand visually appealing. The once subtle and monochromatic design gave way to a bold, eye-catching, and playful aesthetic, perfectly aligned with the lively atmosphere of DAO Denver.

Incorporating the cyberpunk essence of Daolens, Ans chose 'Thiccboi' as the title font, adding a touch of class, and 'Inter' for enhanced readability. To maintain a tech vibe, fonts such as Space Mono and Thiccboi were employed. The gradient style, predominant in the old branding, was replaced with a more contemporary plane and blocky style, accentuated by the extensive use of borders.

Deliverables: Crafting a Cohesive Brand Experience

The rebranding efforts extended to a multitude of deliverables, each meticulously designed to create a cohesive brand experience. Social media posts, banners, laptop stickers, website, posters, merchandise, paper game designs, and pamphlets underwent a complete overhaul. The addition of yellow, bold visual elements, and a playful aesthetic aimed at attracting a broader audience while retaining Daolens' core essence.

Dao SoDA: The Unveiling of a New Daolens

As DAO Denver unfolded, Daolens emerged with a transformed identity that resonated with attendees. The booth, now a vibrant hub of activity, showcased the AI-powered community management solution amidst an immersive visual experience. Attendees were drawn in by the captivating designs, T-shirts, merchandise, and engaging booth activities. The boldness of the new brand identity translated into a substantial crowd, with attendees praising the exceptional quality of Daolens' product merchandise.

Conclusion: Daolens' Triumph at DAO Denver 2023

In the whirlwind of DAO Denver 2023, Daolens successfully transformed itself from a conventional B2B entity to a vibrant and engaging B2C brand. Our creative vision and meticulous execution played a crucial role in making this transition seamless. The reimagined booth, merchandise, and online presence not only stood out amidst the crowded event but also left a lasting impression on attendees.

Daolens' bold move to embrace change and redefine its visual identity proved to be a masterstroke. The success at DAO Denver 2023 not only solidified Daolens' position in the blockchain community but also showcased the power of strategic rebranding in a dynamic and competitive landscape. As the event concluded, Daolens emerged not just as a sponsor but as a dynamic force that could captivate and engage audiences in the ever-evolving world of decentralized technologies.




2 weeks


Event Branding and Strategy

DaoLens DaoDenver AnsKJames

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